Alien Terrestrial Arthropods and Their Impact on Biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB)
Project DO 02-191/2008
Project Duration: 2009–2012
Funding: Bulgarian Science Fund, Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
Co-ordinator: University of Forestry
Project Manager: Assoc. Prof., Dr Rumen Tomov
Project Partners: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, University of Shumen, CAB International, Utrecht University, Netherlands, Institute for Plant Protection, Portici, Italy
Project Summary:
Objectives: 1. Accurate inventory of alien arthropods in Bulgaria filling the gaps in knowledge concerning alien arthropods in Bulgaria detected in framework of DAISIE and SCOPES projects. 2. Study the ecological impact of selected alien species and the mechanisms underlying this impact extending the activities of ALARM project in Bulgaria. 3. Assessing the role of natural enemies in the invasion success of alien species, using some case studies. 4. Assessing the role of alien arthropods on mammals and birds as vectors of diseases.
Expected outputs: 1. The prepared list of alien arthropods in Bulgaria in framework of SCOPES and DAISIE projects will be validated. It will be cleared up the status of insect species: (1) for which only faunistic data were found in the literature (2) only a single report was found with no information on their establishment; (3) species known for Bulgarian fauna, according to Fauna Europea database, but not found by Bulgarian specialists. (4) species kept in captivity in households, terrariums, zoological gardens and in similar controlled breeding conditions. 2. The population status of species excluded from analysis of alien species so far will be assessed. It will allow the development of specific pest control strategies. Alert reports for local authorities will be delivered 3. A list of alien ectoparasites will be created. Eleven species are expected to be reported as new for the fauna of Bulgaria since they are reported in neighbour countries. The role of migrating birds and wild mammals in transportation of arthropods will be assessed. 4. Tools for early detection of alien species present in neighbour countries and about to enter in Bulgaria will be developed. About 40 new for Bulgarian fauna are expected to be found. The new data obtained will be integrated into the data bases of DAISIE and SCOPES projects. 5. The ecological effect due to some herbivores will be assessed more specifically: (1) Direct and indirect effect on native plant populations due to herbivores – case study Gelechia senticetella and Paraclytus sexguttatus; (2) Indirect effects on native fauna – case study - Megastigmus spp. (3) Indirect impact as vectors of insect diseases (4) Indirect effects through apparent competition – case study C. ohridella, P. robiniella, P. issikii. The results will be complementary to the ongoing European project ALARM. 6. Contribution will be made to knowledge of the epizoothological importance of the terrestrial arthropods as a possible vectors of infections in mammals and birds, as well as of multiresistant microbial strains. 7. Harmonia axyridis, will arrive in Bulgaria in 3-4 years maximum and is to start a long term study on the ecological impact Harmonia axyridis will start in the right moment before arriving of the predator in Bulgaria. In all other countries when it occurs, the observation of the ecological impact on native fauna started when the beetle arrived, i.e. too late to allow a good observation of long term population changes 8. The role of natural enemies in the invasion success of 5 alien insects on Robinia pseudoacacia will be assessed 9. The distribution map of the most ecologically important alien arthropod species in Bulgaria will be created. It will help for (1) better understanding of present distribution of species and (2) will allow the future monitoring of spreading pattern of species recently invaded Bulgaria. 10. The most likely pathways of invasion, ecosystem invasibility and species traits that make a species prone to invasion will be analyzed. These analyses will be published in refereed journals. Results of general concern regarding invasive species management will be distributed to the local authorities 11. Fact sheets and a "watch out" list that will be prepared and included in the final report. In addition, the fact sheets may be edited in other documents for a larger distribution (e.g. internet). 12. The scientists and public will be provided with information about non-indigenous arthropods in Bulgaria. The final results will be published, with comments, in a report that will be made available to the authorities and the public. It will be published in English and in Bulgarian. All data will be published in the web site of the project.